March 26, 2009

{ What??? }

So I opened my email box that is linked to this account tonight and it was FLOODED with messages from my friends saying that I have been leaving them odd comments on their blogs. Upon further investigation I determined that someone is leaving comments from ME but it's really not from ME. Weird huh? So I changed my password but I don't think that it's the problem, it's like they are commenting and just using my name and blog link. I talked with my friend Jill and she said that the same type situation happened to her two weeks ago. What is going on? So anyone that gets a odd comment from me please disregard it and let me know so that I can try to let Blogger know so that they can fix the problem.

Thanks, Linds

1 comment:

  1. I had this problem also a while back...if you just ignore it usually they'll stop and get bored from the lack of response.


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