February 10, 2008

{ Kicking Off Valentines Week }

So I had a pretty good weekend, on Sat. my friend Ashley and I decided we were going to make Vanilla Cinnamon rolls (a yummy recipe that I found on Sherelle's blog). Ashley wanted to try out this recipe so we decided to make both. Once I got to her house though we decided to make make an entire dinner for the guys which in addition to the meatballs included this and this. Then just for fun I wanted to make a batch of these. So we quickly wrote down EVERTHING we we needed from the store and off we went............However we didn't quite make it to the grocery store. Let me back up and try to explain what happened. You see Ashley drives a little tiny Jetta (not such a hot car in the snow) so we were driving along trying to take the back roads to the store and of course we were talking like crazy, when we came to a huge snow drift ( actually we almost drove into the snow drift) Well somehow between the two of us we decided to drive around the drift where it looked as though other cars had been driving. Yea that didn't work so well at all, we made it maybe 20 ft of so before we bottomed out pretty bad. As in we got super stuck. Luckily some really nice teenage boy named Chandler (like on Friends) came along and tried to help us out. No such luck. More men gathered around the car and finally all these men were able to push/pull of out of the drift. Needless to say I am really glad to live in a town where people actually pull over when they see people in trouble! So that was my exciting Sat.

PS* All our food turned out fantastic!

Anyhow I did a little Valentine layout to celebrate this week.......


  1. Sounds like you had a "great" weekend, and I'll have you know that I am dieing to try all those same recipe's. Have a happy valentines.

  2. I've gotta try those recipes. YUM! Sounds like you have a great VD...love the layout.

  3. So your fun stuff list...LOVE IT! Funny cuz I just went to a Sentsy party and ordered some scrumptious smells! Can't wait till it comes. And- I just got a blackberry too....but the only problem is that I have NO clue how to use it-- I can't figure out how to make the ring louder-even though it is set to loud it is still pretty quiet and them when I am on the web I can't see any images...only text. HELP! Can you tell me the tricks of this BB...I'm about ready to take it back! :)


{ A Little Something For Your Ears....}

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