TAG....I'm it. Ginny tagged me to make a list of the things I love *and* the things I hate
I LOVE... (besides Geoff, my family and friends)
the smell of clothes just out of the dryer
cute shoes
shopping and getting an amazing deal
bright colors
Star Bucks Caramel Apple Cider
my job
disney movies
the smell of newborn babies
going to the zoo
good friends
giving good gifts
having a clean house
the smell of Paul Mitchell hairspray
patterned paper
taking pictures/looking back at pictures taken
Christmas time
the way it smells after it rains really hard
sleeping in
reading "gossip" magazines such as US or In Touch even though it's never true
frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity
my iPod
getting "fun" mail, such as cards, magazines, stuff I have ordered, or freebies!
Jelly Bellies
Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum
all my pets
lazy days off
I HATE......
driving in the snow
pumping my own gas
saying goodbye when you know it'll be a while before you see each other agian
grocery shopping...ugg
putting the groceries away...ugg
laundry (well really just folding and putting it away)
watching sports on TV ( better in person)
getting up early
outright rude people
losing stuff and not remembering where I put it
coconut anything
stuff that has nuts IN it
melted cheese
dirty bathrooms
I tag anyone who reads my blog to do this as well.....it could kind of make a fun scrapbooking page....