March 21, 2007

Tah-Da: My Favorites.......

Yay! I've finally jumped on the blog band wagon! It's about time seeing that I read everyone else's ALL THE TIME! Any how I thought I'd start w/ a tag I got from Molly today about my 15 Favorite Things, so here goes it.

*1* Blasting my music while I'm scrapbooking ( of course I have to be home alone)
*2* Dressing up all girly everyday
*3* Summer Days and Pink Night Skies
*4* Photography and SCRAPBOOKING
*5* Baking cookies and the smell of vanilla candles
*6* The feeling when you've finished something big
*7* Cry fests w/ best friends over nonsense
*8* Kodak moments and Hallmark commercials
*9* Singing in the shower and thinking I'm really good
*10* Laughing and making other people laugh
*11* Laughing so hard that my face hurts and the tears come down
*12* Finding money in my pockets!
*13* Just driving aimlessly and seeing where you end up
*14* Realizing that some things never change
*15* Being hyper at work and just plain dorky

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